

Tixel Anti-Aging

Slowing Down The Aging Process Just Got Better!

Tixel is the newest non-invasive treatment in the anti-aging world. We could not be more excited that we are able to finally bring to you a treatment that does so much to help your skin look younger and vibrant without lasers or surgery!

Real Anti-Aging Results

Nuovo Te Anti-aging Facial Treatment Testimonial

Dana had her first Tixel Treatment, and hear what she has to say.

You won’t believe how amazing your skin will look. It is possible to reverse the signs of aging!

Tixel Anti-Aging Pricing

Make an appointment for your free consultation in Madison or Janesville to determine which package will work best for you and your individual goals. P

Watch Dr. Angela get an Ablative Treatment

Ablative treatments have several levels. The settings that are being performed on Dr. Angela are the highest level.

These settings are discussed at your consultation and we generally recommend working your way up with a series of 3 for optimal and age reversing results.

Tixel FAQ

Unlike lasers, RF microneedling and other invasive treatments for the skin, Tixel is considered non-invasive. Though you can experience some social downtime, you can resume normal activities within 48 hours of your treatment. Tixel uses a titanium plate that fractionates the surface of the skin (no needles, no blood, no bruising) to cause an injury. This injury, though small, sends a message to the brain and the brain sees it as a major trauma (though in actuality, it is not). This “injury” sends the body into hyper neocollagenesis production. For the following 4 weeks post treatment your collagen production is going to spike up like it did 10-15 years ago! Your body will find homeostasis once again but over the next 6 month your body will continue to have a higher rate of collagen production.

Age of course plays a role but so does your lifestyle, genetics, environmental and stress factors. It is a scientific fact that after the age of 25 the body stops producing collagen at approximately 1% per year, so it is no wonder by the time we enter our 40’s, 50’s, 60’s and beyond we look in the mirror and wish we could turn back the clock! The good news is with Tixel and healthy living you can turn back the clock, years and in many cases decades! Instead of our skin getting thinner and having more wrinkles, we can tighten and smooth out the texture of the skin, address pigment and acne and surgical scars to mention a few of the wonderful benefits of Tixel!

  • Acne Scarring
  • Age Spots
  • Bunny lines
  • Complexion Blending
  • Crepiness
  • Crow’s Feet
  • Eye Laxity
  • Eye Wrinkles
  • Eyelid Hooding
  • Hyperpigmentation
  • Melasma
  • Neck Folds
  • Pigmented lesions
  • Pore Size
  • Port Wine Stain
  • Rosacea
  • Stretch Marks
  • Sun Damage
  • Texture
  • Wrinkles

People don’t want the downtime, pain, or high costs associated with laser and RF microneedling treatments. Now with Tixel, treatments can be fast and effective with NON-laser technology. Get impressive results with the patented thermo-mechanical Action™ (TMA) from Tixel. Thermo-mechanical fractional injury (TMFI) therapy (Tixel) is effective for skin rejuvenation on skin types II-V, according to the results of a retrospective study published in Lasers in Surgery and Medicine (March 2021).

TMFI is a safe and effective method for improving facial skin quality. Addressing patient′s expectations while maximizing the benefits of this novel technology will provide superior aesthetical results.


We can't wait to meet you

Nuovo Te genuinely desires to enhance your self-image and confidence at any age by delivering results-driven treatments using state-of-the-art equipment, weight loss programs customized to the individual and high quality products to help you live your best life.

Get in touch using the form and let’s start your journey! 

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